Saturday 13 November 2021

Spirit of the Wilderness: Second Look at Genius Driven Loci Encounters... and a new hex (mangrove)

Previously I've posted two posts about random encounter generation, both of which within the framework of PARIAH (but easily adaptable to your old school game of choice blah blah...). The first attempt was inspired by Goblin Punch's encounter stew, but modified to accommodate the skills system I'd built into PARIAH (this version was included in the zine). I wasn't entirely happy with it, especially when playing it online and started to think about how I could move things around and create something more coherent but also thematic. 

I googled "Nature spirit - scary" and got this

What then emerged was something based around the Genius Loci reacting to the PCs as they enter and interact with the place in question, usually (but by no means always) imagined to be the local 6 mile hex. A poor reaction leads to more lethal encounters, ba weather, and shitty foraging; the inverse is true of a a good reaction roll. You can read it all here:

That post has become one of the most popular on this site, no doubt due to it being featured in an edition of The Glatisant. Nonetheless what was presented was somewhat incomplete. 

This represents an attempt to grant that post a little more polish.

Hex Encounter Tables

Regular readers of the blog will note that posts in my ongoing series of hex generators use a version of the genius loci reaction table. For example, the most recent addition (jungles) throws up something like this:


The GENIUS LOCI materialises, roll for additional encounter (1d8):

3: Tiger | 4: Dinosaur
5: Witch | 6: Blood drinker
7: Just the Genius Loci | 8: The Great Forest Spirit

Weather worsens (max 2 steps) until the pariahs leave the hex.
Foraging yields nothing of value.

Roll for an encounter (1d8):

3: Shaman | 4: Insect swarm
5: Hunting party | 6: Robber fly
7: Pariah | 8: Genius Loci

Weather worsens (max 1 step) until pariahs leave the hex.
Chance of getting lost increases by one step.
Foraging is disadvantaged or somehow penalised.
Reaction rolls with non-human entities is at -1.

Roll for an encounter (1d8):

1-6: No encounter
7:Spirit- touched | 8: Spirit of dead

Roll for an encounter:

5: Insect Swarm | 6: Giant frog
7: Leopard | 8: Lizard

- Weather improves (max 1 step) until pariahs leave the hex.
- The chance of getting lost reduces one step.
- Forage with advantage.
- Reaction rolls with non-human entities is at +1.
- Reduce the chance of being surprised by an encounter by one step.


The GENIUS LOCI materialises, roll for additional encounter (1d8):

5: Dusk spirit | 6: Dusk spirit
7: Spell-Spirit (rogue invocation) | 8: Spirit disguised as a human

- Weather improves (max 1 step) until pariahs leave the hex.
- The chance of getting lost reduces one step.
- Forage with advantage.
- Reaction rolls with non-human entities is at +1.
- Reduce the chance of being surprised by an encounter by one step.

In addition to the above effects, the spirit manifests in an awesome display and wants to communicate the importance of their locus to the party/band. It may provide them with a special quest or gift.

Note that within each reaction "band" there's a 1d8 min-table detailing the encounter. The random generation of these tables (try it! It's never the same each time) was fun but didn't flow together, and didn't feel very terrain specific for some reason.

I liked the environmental effects and the division of encounters by reaction type, which I feel is at the core of this and wish to carry over. To repeat:


The pariahs' very presence has angered the ruling spirit: the sky darkens, the air cools (or gets dramatically warmer) and the environment grows quieter. 

  • It materialises, demanding they leave immediately and tells them not to return.
  • Refusal to comply is met with violence, but offers of tributes may ameliorate the spirit. 
  • Weather worsens (max 2 steps) until the pariahs leave the hex. 
  • Foraging yields nothing of value.


The pariahs have annoyed the genius. 

  • Weather worsens (max 1 step) until pariahs leave the hex. 
  • Chance of getting lost increases by one step.
  • Foraging is  disadvantaged or somehow penalised.
  • Reaction rolls with non-human entities is at -1.


The spirit of the place is either unaware or unconcerned by the pariahs: there is no noticeable change to the weather or atmosphere in any way.


The atmosphere lightens. A feeling of positivity pervades the environment. The spirit is interested to see how the pariahs will respond to this elevation: if their gratitude is not expressed on their next visit, the consequences could be dire.

  • Weather improves (max 1 step) until pariahs leave the hex. 
  • The chance of getting lost reduces one step.
  • Foraging is  at advantage
  • Reaction rolls with non-human entities is at +1.
  • Reduce the chance of being surprised by an encounter by one step.


The spirit has taken a shine to the pariahs, perhaps one particular (determine randomly). In addition to the above effects, the spirit manifests in an awesome display and wants to communicate the importance of their [hex] to the party/band. It may provide them with a special quest or gift (see below).


A Detour Into the Unknown 

But first, a sidestep into another encounter generator: Goblin's Henchman's In the Heart of the Unknown

Follow the link for a complete list of GH's titles:

I have sung the praises of Goblin's Henchman on multiple occasions. I think what they have done with hex flowers is of a massive service to this hobby and it keeps on giving. I say this because I don't want to explain what a hex flower is again, just read this blogpost Anyway, I digress.

On the right hand side of the image above you will see a table running from 2 (or less) to 24 (or more)

Note, however, that the dice used to roll upon it are a D6 and D10, providing a possible range of 2-16.


Note also that when two dice of different sizes are rolled together, the distribution is trapezoid in shape: a central table of flat probabilities tapering off at the extremities. The larger the disparity between dice sizes, the larger the size of the tabletop.

What's the relevance of that? well, what GH has done (and quite elegantly I should say) is create a central core of typical encounters, with more unusual ones tapering away at either end. Because this roll is modified by terrain type, this "tabletop" moves up the table. 

In this system a party in a "plains" hex would have an equal chance of encountering a wolf, goblin, bear, stirge or ogre. These 5 encounters on average represent 50% of all plains encounters. The other ten possible encounters are not distributed evenly, perhaps representing outliers creeping in from the hills and mountains or the arid desert.

While not wanting to recreate this entirely (I've already ripped this off—with GH's blessing—in Heart of the Primal Unknown) I certainly liked the idea of a more traditional encounter table, albeit a really long one, modified by the Genius Loci reaction.

The "Mechanic"

As per the genius loci post, the GM makes a reaction roll on 2d6 whenever they would ordinarily make an encounter check: this roll refers to the genius reaction table above add advantage (3d6 keep highest 2) or disadvantage (3d6 keep lowest 2) as the GM sees fit. In addition a D20 is rolled, and the total of all dice provides is then read of the table. This provides a range of 3-32, or 30 individual entries.

Encounters are arranged so that (generally) the lower the result the more threatening the encounter.

DiceEncounterFlat %Adv%Disadv%
3Lord of the Ocean
4Lemon Sharks0.420.091
5Giant Leeches0.830.251.78
6Crocodile (giant)1.390.532.62
8Sea Witch2.921.64.03
13Robber Fly555
14Insect Swarm555
15Giant Catfish555
16-19No encounter202020
20Bat Swarm555
22Piranha shoal555
25Flock of birds4.174.753.22
26Fishing Party3.614.472.38
27Trading Party2.924.031.6
28Giant Otter2.083.40.97
31Lord of the Ocean 0.4210.09
(Roll 2 dice, pick highest)

So What?

Right- you've read a lot and ultimately been shown a list of encounters. What makes this interesting?

  • Providing discoveries, fortunes, mishaps and hazards
  • Environmental effects in Genius Loci reaction
  • Weighing encounter reactions in accordance with Genius Loci reaction
The GM has to be prepare individual lists for each hex, but I'll be making the hex generator do all that heavy lifting for them, and I'll make the thematic components visible. Wandering monster/encounter lists can also be personalised to include unique individuals and NPCs:

In addition, I would like to propose that the Genius Loci reaction (2-12) also be added to any foraging rolls. A standard foraging roll is done with a D6; more skilful pariahs might have their players roll larger dice (up to D12). This gives a range of 3-24... content to follow!


Pariah Volume 1 PDF via DTRPG:

The superior Goblin Punch Encounter Stew by which the above was inspired:

That popular Genius Loci post of which this is an extension:

The edition of The Glatisant in which the above featured: 

Jungle hex generator:

Goblin's Henchman's DTRPG Oeuvre:

Into the Heart of the Unknown on DTRPG:

Hex flowers:

Dice probabilities via AnyDice:

My Pariah remix, Heart of the Primal Unknown

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